Individual therapy typically consists of 3 stages: Assessment, Treatment, and Termination.
Assessment lays the foundation for our work together and typically lasts 1-3 sessions. It offers an opportunity to understand the presenting problem and its contributing factors, and invites us to plan treatment in a collaborative manner. It also gives us a baseline for the evaluation of progress in therapy.
Treatment is the most intensive stage of the therapeutic process and varies greatly in number of sessions. Focus in treatment can range from building on strengths or improving performance, to reducing symptoms and managing distress.
[Click here to learn about my approach in therapy and for a list of areas of specialization]
Termination is often the most important and most meaningful phase of therapy. Endings in life can be difficult, and termination invites both parties to be intentional in this ending. Termination gives client and clinician alike the opportunity reflect on the therapeutic process and to anticipate future needs.